Monday 23 June 2014

A Teacup at the Palace, and a Cup of tea at Starbucks.

Culture and Education today. Such hard work. First I walked to the new Scottish Parliament Building. Some criticise it for its modernity, but I liked it for its light interior, for being to see out to the park and hill ( Arthur's Seat) from the Chamber, and its use of motifs in the design and fittings, like the wooden "reeds" covering the concrete outside, and the carpet printed ( yes, not woven) with colours of the hillsides.

As with many modern Paraliamentry Sessions, they are telecast. Each SMP has 3 cameras trained on them. ( in case we get bored with one angle?

Then off to the Palace, for tea with the Queen. She wasn't in residence, so I settled for a tour of the Toyal Chambers to see where Mary Queen of Scots used to hang out, and where her associate was dragged out of her breakfast room and stabbed. 56 times. Were they inefficient, or maybe they thought if they all had a go, it would diffuse their culpability? Palaces are musty. It's all those ancient tapestries and bed hangings. When did they last pop them in the wash, I ask you!


Robert Burns RedHead . I'm not sure why this got to be in the Parliament Building, but both the red and and black versions are made completely of matches.

No photos allowed in the Palace. Or at the Exhibition of Fashion in Art of the Stuart Dynasty. So I took a photo of this £55 teacup in the gift shop, before collapsing into the nearest Tea Shop ( which happened to be Starbucks.....not my usual choice, but free Wifi and a merciful break from "Tartin Tatt" of which there is a depressing amount down the Royal Mile. And their Mint tea was excellent.



1 comment:

  1. God save our Queen. (from the Coronation Street palace)


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