Wednesday 4 June 2014

Castles and Killing

Scotland: A Good Place To Be Rich and Powerful ...... Blair Castle ( at Blair Atholl, not far from Esk and Kenmore- references my Qld readers will know), still has its own private Army, inspected in May of each year by the 12th Duke. The entrance hall has to be seen to be believed- enough rifles, bayonets and lances to put the fear of death into anyone they invited to dinner!! No photos allowed there, unfortunately.
The overall impression, as well as the amazing extravagant furniture and fittings, was that of defence and violence. There was never a weapon far away, be it sword or rifle. The other unavoidable impact was the family portraits, both huge and miniatures. Some of the Dukes had real "vanity portraits", posed as classical warriors, with six-pack muscles visible through transparent tunics -the equivalent of Photoshopped Selfies!

This is part of the hall-cum-ballroom, which shows a fraction of the stag horns, which also line each corridor, form some light fittings, and are used to make chairs. There must have been 500 sets of antlers.


This is also in the ballroom...the only place photos were allowed.



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