Friday 6 June 2014

We have a Saying in Scotland......

"If you can't see the hills it's raining, and if you CAN see the hills, it's GOING to rain!" ( verbatim from a local in the village shop.) The one in the picture. View from bedroom window.

We are staying in a one shop village called Thornhill, near Callandar, North of Stirling, in Perthshire. It has 2 Pubs though, and we are in the one that looks grimiest from the outside. The bar had only one tough-looking overweight local with a Wire-Haired Dachshund called Lisel ( "after the Sound of Music Lisel"). However, our room, under the eaves, is in heaven, with almost 360 degree views of the spreading fields and the enormous sky. Although it's been about 13 degrees all day, it feels warmer. We've had the windows wide open til now. There are always so many birds. Next picture is view from opposite window.


We passed through many amazing landscapes today, and towns and villages with different characters.

Our first stop was a walk through the Birks of Aberfeldy. ( " Bonnie Lassie Will Ye Go, oh Will Ye Go....?" :Burns). As is too often the case, a photo does this small gorge no justice. So here's one of Rabbie and me instead.


Then we stumbled upon a Galllery with beautiful Art glass by Scottish artists.




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