Tuesday 10 June 2014

CASTOR FIBER, The European Beaver


It is at least 400 years since beavers were seen in Britain. A few have been reintroduced in trial areas. BUT SOME ESCAPED AND HAVE SET UP THEIR OWN WILD COLONIES! We were lucky enough to be staying a few doors from Bob (Smith) the Badger. He took us back up that river where we got nettled, lost and wet. But never mind, this time we were on a BEAVER HUNT. The above photos are not mine....I thought you would prefer to see what a beaver actually looks like.

My photos are below...yes, there really IS a beaver in the photo. He's carrying fresh leaves back to the burrow, to the kits. It was a VERY SPECIAL PRIVILEGE to see them. My camera was not up to the occasion.

Here is Sue's back, as we sat still and quietly, waiting and watching. The water was a mirror, with insect-catchers twinning themselves as they swooped high and low.

Here are Bob and Rhona, the local Beaver stalwarts, who took take people down in small groups in their own time, to help promote awareness.









  1. Thank you for posting, really enjoying seeing your travels and the perfect mix of photos and text. A travel story book for grown ups.

  2. Lovely Kathy. Wonderful photos - looks green and peaceful!


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